
The winners and the sore losers

During this weekend we had the chance to see in action two winners, 2 sore losers and a good willed loser.

Firstly in Honduras, our first winner, Porfirio Lobo, presidential candidate that won elections with a tad more than 55% of votes in favour. I for one, was not font of this fellow to be the new president of Honduras, I thought the candidate Elvin Santos was better suited for the task, but unfortunately for him, his party was the same Liberal party that Zelaya was part of in his political career and who left too ma ny people yearning for a change and that change was Lobo. He will begin presidential duties on January if everything goes according to plan.

In Honduras as well, we have our first sore loser. I would guess many would think “Surely he will be speaking of Elvin Santos who lost against Lobo” but I am not. The loser I am talking about is the former president Zelaya, who said over and over that the people of Honduras was with him and to prove that fact he called for a major abstinence from the voting process, showing this way that what the people wanted was for him to regain power. Today the complete opposite was shown, a great majority of people who moved, since early hours in the morning, to vote, as many said “Hoping that by doing this the situation of the country will finally change”.  According to the international observers, that were more than 50, concluded that the process was clean and untempered. With this statement, the people have proclaimed that, despite the few Zelaya sympathisers who were trying to avoid people from voting and tried marching, the majority showed that they want a new president despite what happened with the coup. Now facing the truth and reality of the situation, understanding that he is defeated and now will surely have to face legal charges against him for treason and maybe some jail time, he has announce that he still thinks the process was bogus and illegitimate and that nothing will change until new elections are done and therefore refuses to accept the restitution on December 2nd (If the congress approves it) because that would be accepting that the voting process was legit. I think he should accept defeat, surrender to authorities and hope that his country gets back on track.

In another Latin American country we find our next winner, ‘Pepe’ Mujica the 74(?) year-old socialist, former guerrila member of the “Tupamaros” and who was incarcerated in the 70’s proved that his past is no handicap for him and has been declared winner and new president of Uruguay and who will begin duties on April. I was not very font of this candidate either thanks to his socialist tendencies and his closeness to Chavez, meaning (maybe) that Uruguay will be added as another lackey helping the near completion of Chavez’s revolution goal that is no other than to “unify” (or rule?) latin america.

In Uruguay we have the good willed loser, Luis Alberto Lacalle opposition candidate to Mujica, who accepted defeat with a speech that basically said “Thank you to those who showed support but now we must all remember that there is not one party or the other but one flag, one Uruguay and we shall follow the new president into the future”. Good speech I may say, he showed what democracy is all about, former rivals and now both citizens of the same country.

And finally our last sore loser is found in Iran. Now I would dare to say the loser itself is no other than Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, but seems he has a lot of followers in the cabinet (as if that would be a shocking discovery) who have agreed in a new project of building 10 more uranium enrichment plants, despite all the controversy that just one has made. “The move comes two days after the International Atomic Energy Agency, the U.N. nuclear watchdog, passed a resolution demanding that Iran stop construction on a previously secret nuclear facility at Qom. The agency also repeated calls for Iran to stop its uranium enrichment program*”. Many countries have shown a lot of preoccupation towards the original plant and amazement and shock with the new project of 10 more, countries that now include even the former allies of Iran: Russia and China. They are asking the world to cut them off in every way and start suffering as North Korea did (Or does?) thanks to the economical barriers. I guess that is why Iran is looking for new allies like Venezuela. Now the middle eats country insists that they have the right to produce the Uranium for energy purposes, but if this were true, they would not have any problem in letting other countries (that have offered many times over) to enrich the uranium for them, showing good faith in their goals. So, after being claimed by nearly everyone, officially, to stop their nuclear program and accept defeat in their crazy scheme they have done the opposite, they have not only ignore the claim, but now is proclaiming they will go even further. I am telling you people, Ahmadinejad is pushing the country against a blockade or even a preventive invasion.

* Extracted from CNN

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